
by Dryrun

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Forecast cash flow, model scenarios & share budgets with a seamless blend of simplicity, automation.

Forecast cash flow, model scenarios & share budgets with a seamless blend of simplicity, automation.

Dryrun, when integrated with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, transforms into a powerhouse tool for businesses seeking advanced financial forecasting and scenario planning capabilities. This combination leverages the robust ERP features of Business Central with Dryrun's intuitive cash flow visualization and management, allowing users to gain unparalleled insights into their financial health.
Businesses can easily import data from Dynamics 365, enabling them to model various financial scenarios, assess potential impacts of decisions, and plan for future growth or challenges with greater accuracy and confidence. Dryrun’s dynamic forecasting capabilities, complemented by the comprehensive data from Dynamics 365, empower businesses to navigate the complexities of their financial landscape, make informed decisions swiftly, and strategize effectively for sustainable growth.

Cash Flow Forecasting Management:

At the heart of Dryrun is its powerful cash flow forecasting management feature, enabling businesses to accurately predict and visualize their financial flow over time. By leveraging advanced algorithms and intuitive design, Dryrun helps users easily create detailed cash flow forecasts that can illuminate the path ahead, helping to avoid potential financial pitfalls while capitalizing on upcoming opportunities.

Scenario Planning:

Understanding that the business landscape is ever-evolving, Dryrun incorporates scenario planning tools that allow users to prepare for various future possibilities. Businesses can model different scenarios, from market changes to internal shifts, assessing their potential impact on cash flow and overall financial health. This proactive approach ensures that companies are not just reacting to changes, but are strategically prepared for them.

Financial Modeling and Reporting:

Dryrun goes beyond traditional financial software by offering robust financial modeling and reporting capabilities. Users can build complex financial models that reflect the nuances of their operations, then generate comprehensive reports that provide deep insights into their financial status. These reports can be customized to highlight key metrics and trends, making it easier to share and discuss financial data with stakeholders and inform strategic decisions.

Financial Analysis Dashboard:

The financial analysis dashboard feature of Dryrun provides a real-time overview of a company's financial health, aggregating data from various sources into a coherent, easy-to-understand format. With this dashboard, users gain immediate access to crucial financial indicators, including cash flow, revenue projections, and budget performance, enabling quick assessments and adjustments as necessary.

Budget Consolidation Roll-Up:

For organizations managing multiple departments or projects, Dryrun's budget consolidation roll-up feature is invaluable. It simplifies the complex process of combining various budgets into a cohesive financial plan, providing a clear view of the organization's overall budgetary health. This consolidation is essential for strategic planning, ensuring that all parts of the business are aligned with the overall financial goals.

Rolling Forecast:

The rolling forecast feature within Dryrun allows businesses to continuously update their financial forecasts based on the latest data, maintaining a forward-looking perspective that spans across multiple periods. This dynamic approach to forecasting helps companies stay agile, adapting their strategies to meet the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.


Dryrun is specifically designed to support the rigorous demands of financial planning and analysis professionals. Its suite of tools enhances the FP&A process by offering detailed analytical capabilities, scenario analysis, and comprehensive reporting features. With Dryrun, FP&A teams can drive strategic decision-making, backed by solid financial data and projections.
Dryrun is a multifaceted financial management software that brings together cash flow forecasting management, scenario planning, financial modeling and reporting, and a robust financial analysis dashboard into one seamless platform. With features like budget consolidation roll-up and rolling forecast, it caters to the needs of businesses looking to enhance their FP&A practices. Dryrun not only simplifies complex financial processes but also provides the strategic insights necessary for businesses to thrive in today's competitive environment. Whether you're looking to fine-tune your financial strategy, plan for various future scenarios, or consolidate your budgeting process, Dryrun offers the tools and insights you need to succeed.

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